Planning St. John's

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Welcome to the Planning St. John's page. This page provides a site where the public can find information and give feedback on planning applications all in one place. Planning applications include Municipal Plan and Development Regulation amendments such as rezonings and text amendments, but do not include development applications, discretionary use applications, or non-conforming use applications.

Occasionally, a person or company proposes a type of development that does not meet our policies or regulations and would have to be rejected, unless an amendment can be made. Amendments undergo careful consideration by City staff and Council. As part of the amendment process, we invite you to learn about each application and give your comments and concerns – they help inform Council's decisions on these matters.

Links to current applications (starting in June 2022) are provided below. We invite you to view the applications that are of interest to you. Click the link to be taken to each planning application project page to learn more, ask a question, or provide your feedback.

If you prefer to provide comments or ask questions using mail or email, please do so to the Office of the City Clerk and include your name and address, or e-mail or write to P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2. Be sure to include the name of the application in your submission.

Welcome to the Planning St. John's page. This page provides a site where the public can find information and give feedback on planning applications all in one place. Planning applications include Municipal Plan and Development Regulation amendments such as rezonings and text amendments, but do not include development applications, discretionary use applications, or non-conforming use applications.

Occasionally, a person or company proposes a type of development that does not meet our policies or regulations and would have to be rejected, unless an amendment can be made. Amendments undergo careful consideration by City staff and Council. As part of the amendment process, we invite you to learn about each application and give your comments and concerns – they help inform Council's decisions on these matters.

Links to current applications (starting in June 2022) are provided below. We invite you to view the applications that are of interest to you. Click the link to be taken to each planning application project page to learn more, ask a question, or provide your feedback.

If you prefer to provide comments or ask questions using mail or email, please do so to the Office of the City Clerk and include your name and address, or e-mail or write to P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2. Be sure to include the name of the application in your submission.

  • Current Applications

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    Each application has its own project page. Click the name of the project below to learn more or leave your feedback. Projects that are currently open for comments are identified in the list below.

    4 Merrymeeting Road

    7 Waterford Bridge Road

    20 George's Pond Road

    21 Merrymeeting Road

    26 Alexander Street

    34 New Cove Road

    50 Bennett Avenue

    51 Hazelwood Crescent

    55 Groves Road

    57 Margaret's Place

    113 Blackmarsh Road

    188 New Pennywell Road

    214 Waterford Bridge Road (upcoming public hearing)

    231 Main Road

    725 Southlands Boulevard (Galway)

    Text Amendment: Heritage Use Definition and Conditions

    Text Amendment: Housing

    Text and Map Amendment - Wetlands

  • Planning Page Pilot Evaluation

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    Planning Page Pilot Evaluation

    The City of St. John's finalized an evaluation of the pilot planning page at Evaluation included a review of site analytics and promotions of the new page; a public survey conducted in May 2023; a survey of Council; and internal meetings to discuss the page. Generally, response to the page has been positive.

    Pilot Overview

    The pilot began in June 2022. The page was designed to provide an online space for information and solicit feedback on planning applications. It includes Municipal Plan and Development regulation amendments such as rezonings and text amendments, but does not include development applications, discretionary use applications, or non-conforming use applications.

    Key Findings

    • The number of emails and requests for information decreased for applications included in the pilot, which is believed to reflect an improved ability to access information online.
    • Overall, staff believe that reaching beyond the immediate neighbourhood for a proposed project is good for community engagement and land use planning.
    • While the site has a measure of public awareness, a comprehensive strategy to communicate the page is needed if the pilot becomes a permanent feature of the site.
    • Council found the page useful and liked the summaries provided when making decisions on an application.
    • When asked to indicate how they typically learning about planning applications, 58% of public survey respondents indicated they do so through sign up notifications, website or this page; 85% supporting continuing the page.

    Read the complete Pilot Review document.

    Staff recommended on July 24 at the regular meeting of Council that we make this pilot a permanent feature of and Council approved the recommendation.

Page last updated: 23 Jul 2024, 03:48 PM