What is the Kenmount Road Storm Sewer Upgrade?
What area of Kenmount Road is being done in 2021?
Why didn’t the City do this work last year?
This is a large project that required breakdown into phases. There will be four (4) phases required to upgrade storm sewer along Kenmount Road from Polina Road to the Team Gushue Highway overpass. Prior phases were completed in 2018, 2019 and 2020 and involved the area between Polina Road and Pippy Place. The 2018 phase included the realignment of the Polina Rd intersection. This year will see the fourth and final phase of construction that will involve the area of Pippy Place to Team Gushue Highway Overpass.
Due to the scope of work and funding agreements with other levels of government, a project of this size cannot be completed in one season. The replacement of the underground infrastructure, in addition to the rehabilitation of the street itself will be completed in phases which fits our relatively short construction season.
What are the hours of work?
The Contractor works Monday to Friday, 7:00am to 7:00pm, along with every second Saturday from 7:00am to 6:00pm.
Why can’t the City do the work at night?
Some portions of the work may take place at night as it did during the 2018, 2019 and 2020 construction seasons. However, night construction would not alleviate traffic impacts. As part of this project, there is significant excavation required and it is not feasible to backfill at the end of each day to re-open all travel lanes.
Why is it taking 6 months?
Replacing the storm sewer infrastructure along Kenmount Road is a large project requiring the full extent of a Newfoundland construction season. The new storm sewer is significantly larger and deeper than the current storm systems, and hence requires large excavations and heavy lifts. The upgrades will improve the City’s Kenmount Road storm sewer infrastructure, allowing it to better respond to extreme weather events in the future.
Is there more work expected in other years and if so, what else is being planned?
The fourth and final phase is planned for the 2021 construction season.
Will traffic be impacted?
Traffic on Kenmount Road will be maintained through the construction area in both directions. However, the number of lanes will be reduced and disruptions are expected. Pedestrian access will be maintained on at least one side of Kenmount Road during construction with posted signage in and near the construction zone.
Will there be access to businesses?
Access will be maintained to all businesses at all times. The consultant and contractor will coordinate work in the area with the business owners to minimize disruptions.
How will I know if there are any traffic or other interruptions?
It’s always good to receive updates on this or any potential traffic interruptions by subscribing to Traffic Advisories for such things as road closures, lane reductions and other impacts to City traffic. Sign up for e-updates at www.stjohns.ca