2021 Project Start Up
From April 26 to May 7, 2021 (weather permitting), a number of exploratory digs are planned along Kenmount Road between Pippy Place and Team Gushue Highway Overpass. These exploratory digs are somewhat small and sporadic and will have some minor impacts to traffic associated with brief lane closures. A traffic advisory will be issued prior to starting the exploratory digs.
Between May 10 and 14, 2021, the Contractor will be conducting some preparatory work and excavations in advance of the main trench work. This will have some minor impacts to traffic associated with brief lane closures. A traffic advisory will be issued prior to starting this preparatory work.
The work of the main trench excavation for the Kenmount Road Storm Sewer upgrading project is tentatively scheduled to begin between May 18 and 20, 2021. Main trench excavation will start at Kenmount Road in the vicinity of Cabot Ford, extending westward toward the Team Gushue Highway Overpass throughout duration of the construction season. Work is scheduled to be completed by October 31, 2021. Lane reductions will be put in place around the work zone, with one lane of traffic maintained eastbound, and one lane maintained westbound. Disruptions and slowdowns are expected. Flag persons will be in place to facilitate access to local area businesses. Pedestrian access will be maintained on one side of the road during construction. A traffic advisory will be issued prior to construction starting.
This project is complete.