Heritage By-Law
Consultation has concluded
During the Envision St. John’s review of the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, staff recognized that a Heritage By-Law would provide better protection of built heritage. A by-law derives its authority from the City of St. John’s Act, which has specific provisions for built heritage, whereas the Urban and Rural Planning Act is silent on built heritage. The City Act provides a more secure foundation for heritage protection.
The draft Heritage By-Law is presented for public review and comment. Following public consultation, feedback will be brought back to Council for consideration. The approval of the Heritage By-Law will be coordinated with the approval of Envision St. John’s to avoid any gap in heritage regulations. Check out the FAQs for additions to the bylaw. Use the forum tools below to provide feedback or sign up for a virtual meeting.
During the Envision St. John’s review of the Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, staff recognized that a Heritage By-Law would provide better protection of built heritage. A by-law derives its authority from the City of St. John’s Act, which has specific provisions for built heritage, whereas the Urban and Rural Planning Act is silent on built heritage. The City Act provides a more secure foundation for heritage protection.
The draft Heritage By-Law is presented for public review and comment. Following public consultation, feedback will be brought back to Council for consideration. The approval of the Heritage By-Law will be coordinated with the approval of Envision St. John’s to avoid any gap in heritage regulations. Check out the FAQs for additions to the bylaw. Use the forum tools below to provide feedback or sign up for a virtual meeting.
Heritage By-Law Approval Process Update
Share Heritage By-Law Approval Process Update on Facebook Share Heritage By-Law Approval Process Update on Twitter Share Heritage By-Law Approval Process Update on Linkedin Email Heritage By-Law Approval Process Update linkAt the Sept. 7. regular meeting of Council a notice of motion was tabled which will see the Heritage By-Law submitted for final approval on September 13, 2021.
Envision St. John’s Municipal Plan and Development Regulations were given final approval today, Sept. 7 and are now being forwarded to the Provincial Government. Once registered by the Province and gazetted, Envision St. John’s will come into legal effect.
The Envision St. John’s Municipal Plan is Council’s policy document for present and future land use and development and Development Regulations set out standards which implement Council’s land-use policies. These documents are enabled by the Newfoundland and Labrador Urban and Rural Planning Act, 2000.
Envision continues the City’s policies on heritage and its ongoing protection and future use. Many of the standards and regulations in the St. John’s Development Regulations are being transferred to the new St. John’s Heritage By-Law, and feedback gathered through recent public engagement has been incorporated in the document.
What we Heard released
Share What we Heard released on Facebook Share What we Heard released on Twitter Share What we Heard released on Linkedin Email What we Heard released linkDuring April and May, members of the public were invited to submit feedback on the heritage by-law through a variety of mechanisms, including:
- virtual and in-person public meetings, including a specific meeting for residents of the Battery and a meeting with representatives from some churches in the heritage areas
- presentation to the City’s Built Heritage Experts' Panel
- an online discussion forum at engagestjohns.ca
- email and written submissions
Some sections in the Heritage By-Law have raised concerns with the public and Council will reflect on these, including:
• How Council could apply its discretion in terms of heritage protection and preservation
• The boundaries of the new Heritage Area 4 (Battery neighbourhood)
• Considerations prior to demolition
• The intended use of heritage reports and public consultation on development in heritage areas
• Exemptions from heritage standards and the design of tall buildings
• The terms of reference for the City’s Built Heritage Experts Panel
Read the full “What We Heard” in the documents library.
At the August 25 meeting of the Committee of the Whole, Council will consider the feedback received and make any necessary adjustments prior to the approval of the Heritage By-Law. The intention is to coordinate approval of the new By-Law with the Envision St. John’s Municipal Plan and Development Regulations to avoid any gap in heritage protection.
Public Meeting - Battery Neighbourhood
Share Public Meeting - Battery Neighbourhood on Facebook Share Public Meeting - Battery Neighbourhood on Twitter Share Public Meeting - Battery Neighbourhood on Linkedin Email Public Meeting - Battery Neighbourhood linkApplication
Residents and property owners in the Battery neighbourhood are invited to a public meeting to talk about the planning and heritage policies and regulations proposed for the neighbourhood.
The Battery is part of Heritage Area 3, which covers much of the old city. Under a new Heritage By-Law, we propose a Heritage Area 4 just for the Battery, to better reflect the way the Battery has houses on small lots, often simple in style, and in a prominent position along the flanks of Signal Hill overlooking the harbour. As well, the new Envision St. John’s Municipal Plan and Development Regulations, 2021 propose maximum lot area and height limits in the zoning, but also recognize the legal problems involved with trying to protect private views rather than public views.
Our meeting is to discuss these matters and is aimed at residents and property owners. We hope to have a good discussion.
Time & Date
Registration required.
Virtual Session 7:00 p.m. Thursday, May 27, 2021. To register, visit: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/5R35KCM
Provide your comments to the Office of the City Clerk including your name and address to cityclerk@stjohns.ca or P.O. Box 908, St. John’s, NL, A1C 5M2.
Comments received become a matter of public record and are included in the Council agenda for the date a decision on the application will be made. Any identifying information (including your name) will be removed prior to your comment being released publicly. If you are writing on behalf of a group, organization, business, etc. and wish to remain anonymous, you must indicate as such with your submission.Collection of personal information is authorized under the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 2015 and is needed to consider your comments on this application. Questions about the collection and use of your information may be directed to the City Clerk at 709-576-8202 or cityclerk@stjohns.ca.
Additional Information
Notices are sent to property owners within 150 metres of the application site. For more information call 709-576-6192, email planning@stjohns.ca. or visit the City’s website (www.stjohns.ca) under “Public Notices”.The Newfoundland & Labrador Public Libraries have Wi-Fi available in the parking lot of each library location if a resident has their own device: Arts & Culture Centre (125 Allandale Road, St. John's), Marjorie Mews Library (12 Highland Dr, St. John's), and Michael Donovan Library (655 Topsail Rd, St. John's).
Public Consultation
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageThe draft Heritage By-Law is presented to the public for feedback. There will be virtual public meetings held Wednesday, April 28 at 7:00pm-9:00pm and Thursday, April 29 at 1:00pm-2:00pm. To register, click here. The City will also accept feedback though engage@stjohns.ca or by calling 311.
Feedback being reviewed
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageContributions to this consultation are closed for evaluation and review.
What We Heard document released
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageWhat we Heard released Aug. 12, 2021. To read the document visit the documents section.
Report with Recommendations and Feedback to Council
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageCheck out the report. Page 472.
Notice of Motion for Heritage By-Law at Council Meeting
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageSeptember 7, 2021 Council Meeting
Final approval of Heritage By-Law at Council Meeting
Heritage By-Law has finished this stageSeptember 13, 2021 Council Meeting
Heritage By-Law in Effect
Heritage By-Law is currently at this stageFollowing notice in the NL Gazette and the Telegram. See Promulgation Notice and approved Heritage By-Law.
- Why is built heritage important?
- Why create a Heritage By-Law?
- Have the Heritage Standards been revised?
- Are there any new Heritage Areas?
- What is a Heritage Report?
- When will the Heritage By-Law come into effect?
- What does Envision St. John's say about heritage?
- What other stakeholders will be contacted?
- What programs does the City offer to protect built heritage?
Key Dates
24 March 2021
28 April 2021
29 April 2021
21 May 2021
27 May 2021
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Contact us at engage@stjohns.ca