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During the May 29, 2019 Committee of the Whole meeting, Council was presented with the new Bike St. John's Master Plan for discussion and review. The plan articulates a vision for the future of cycling in St. John’s; provides an action plan and roadmap to achieve the vision; and, highlights a backbone cycling network that prioritizes three catalyst projects for early implementation.
The plan is the result of a collaborative process where a consultant team worked with City staff, the Bike St. John’s Advisory Committee, and included feedback from over 1,000 members of the public.
It is expected that infrastructure will be implemented over many years as opportunities arise and funding is allocated. City Council will vote for final approval of the proposed plan at a future council meeting.
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The Office of the City Clerk is accepting applications to fill two vacancies on the Bike St. John’s Advisory Committee:
- a general public member who identifies as 'a beginner/occasional cyclist'; and
- a general public member who identifies as 'an avid cyclist for purposeful transportation'
The Committee provides information and advice to the Committee of the Whole on matters that affect the City, as referred to it by committees of council, or as initiatied by the Committee or the community, concerning cycling issues and the development of a safe, comfortable and convenient city-wide cycling network.
Applications should be submitted by one of:
- in person: Office of the City Clerk, fourth floor, City Hall, 10 New Gower Street
- email:
- mail: Bike St. John's Advisory Committee, Office of the City Clerk, P.O. Box 908, St. John's, NL, A1C 5M2
The deadline for submission of applications is July 2, 2019.
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From January 23 to February 12, an online survey asked for your feedback on the draft vision statement and draft bike network map.
Thanks to everyone who completed the survey!
Your input currently is being used to refine the draft network map, validate the vision statement and develop the Bike St. John’s Master Plan.
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February 13, 2019 update: Online survey is now closed.
A draft bike network map and vision statement are being shared for public feedback. Please have a look at the Draft Network Overview Maps and the Information Note for Council for more information.
From January 23 to February 12, please complete the online survey and tell us what you think about:
- Draft vision statement
- Route selection (For example, comparing route options to bike from point A to B)
- Bike facility type (Compare your comfort level using different facility types such as painted bike lanes, multi-use trails, etc.)
- Surface materials (For example, should gravel or asphalt be used on multi-use trails?)
Your input will be being used to refine the draft network map, validate the vision statement and develop the Bike St. John’s Master Plan.
Thanks in advance for participating!