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The Resilient St. John's - Multi-Stakeholder Sustainability Team provides local perspective and advice to the community energy efficiency, GHG mitigation and adaptation components of the Resilient St. John's Climate Plan. The committee's members were selected based on recommendations from the City's Environmental and Sustainability Expert Panel on August 2020.
The Affordable Housing Working Group is primarily responsible for the implementation of the Affordable Housing Business Plan approved by the City in 2014. In implementing the plan, the WG is to consider relevant City policies and activities which impact the plan and ensure communication with the appropriate parties Affordable Housing Working Group
The Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee provides information and advice to the Community Services and Housing Standing Committee on matters of Accessibility and Inclusion as they relate to City programs, policies and services, as referred to it by committees of Council, or as initiated by the Advisory Committee itself.Accessibility and Inclusion Advisory Committee
The Arts and Culture Advisory Committee provides information and advice to the Community Services and Housing Standing Committee on matters related to arts, culture and living and intangible cultural heritage that intersect City policies, programs, and services as referred to it by committees of council, or as initiated by the committee.Arts and Culture Advisory Committee
The Bike St. John's Task Force was formed in February 2016 with a mandate to: Consider the current state of the Bike St. John’s initiative; Consider current Bike St. John’s priorities and the direction of related City plans; and Recommend the next steps that would be appropriate for the City to take on the Bike St. John’s initiative. The members of the Committee use a closed page to share information between in person meetings. Bike St. John's Task Force
The Built Heritage Experts Panel (BHEP) provides information and advice to Council, through the Planning and Development Standing Committee, on policy and directions to support the ongoing development of the City's built heritage programs and initiatives. The panel will consider matters referred to it by Council, by Council's Committees, as well as those initiated by the Panel itself. Built Heritage Experts Panel
The City-Business Roundtable is a forum for constructive dialogue and Participants will be conduits and connect with their relevant business organizations. This site will be used to post information, documents etc. and can be used to have discussions and related dialogue to advance the purpose of the Roundtable. It is not meant to replace face-to-face discussion but to supplement. City-Business Roundtable
The Heritage Policy Working Group’s purpose is to review the heritage policies of the City and recommend any new policies or programs which are needed. The Working Group will meet monthly for a limited period of time until its work is complete. Heritage Policy Working Group
The LIP Employment and Labour Needs Working Group aims to address the barriers faced by immigrants in seeking meaningful employment and participating in the workforce. The working group is primarily responsible for setting priorities and implementing the Employment and Labour Needs strategy in the St. John’s Local Immigration Partnership Strategic Plan.LIP Employment and Labour Needs Working Group
The North East Avalon Healthy Communities Alliance. This regional Alliance takes a collective impact approach involving leaders from various disciplines, sectors and levels of Government working together to improve the health, mental health, inclusion and safety of residents and communities on the Northeast Avalon. The Alliance and Stakeholder Working Groups focus on creating environments that consider the social, economic and environmental conditions necessary to promote health, strengthen communities and create a sustainable healthy future for all. If you or your organization would like to learn more about Healthy Communities or how to join the Alliance Link to members page: Healthy Communities - Northeast Avalon
The Seniors Advisory Committee provides information and advice to the Community Services and Housing Standing Committee on matters related to older persons that intersect City policies and programs, as referred to it by committees of council, or as initiated by the committee. Seniors Advisory Committee