255 Bay Bulls Road

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Property location map of 255 Bay Bulls Road

The City has received an application to rezone land at 255 Bay Bulls Road from the Commercial Neighbourhood (CN) Zone to the Commercial Mixed Use (CM) Zone to enable Place of Assembly Uses, which are listed as Discretionary in the CM Zone. The property is located in the Commercial District, which means an amendment to the Envision St. John's Municipal Plan is not required.

There is currently one commercial building on the property with a Commercial Garage and Car Sales Lot operating as legal non-conforming uses (they do not conform to the current Envision St. John's Development Regulations but were there before the zoning was in place). The Commercial Garage and Car Sales Lot currently occupies half of the existing building. The applicant wishes to rent the other half of the building for the purpose of holding various events such as wedding receptions or birthday parties.

Review the materials on this page and provide your feedback or ask a question.

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The City has received an application to rezone land at 255 Bay Bulls Road from the Commercial Neighbourhood (CN) Zone to the Commercial Mixed Use (CM) Zone to enable Place of Assembly Uses, which are listed as Discretionary in the CM Zone. The property is located in the Commercial District, which means an amendment to the Envision St. John's Municipal Plan is not required.

There is currently one commercial building on the property with a Commercial Garage and Car Sales Lot operating as legal non-conforming uses (they do not conform to the current Envision St. John's Development Regulations but were there before the zoning was in place). The Commercial Garage and Car Sales Lot currently occupies half of the existing building. The applicant wishes to rent the other half of the building for the purpose of holding various events such as wedding receptions or birthday parties.

Review the materials on this page and provide your feedback or ask a question.

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Page last updated: 09 Apr 2024, 12:45 PM